Put an end to the confusion
Level up your web development skills with cutting-edge technologies.Master complex state management in NextJS 13 using Client and Server components
Learn the latest Next.js 13+ features.
Master advanced state management techniques.
Gain practical experience with Server Components.
Push yourself out of the client-land comfort zone.
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Master complex state management
Stop adding use client on every component and learn how to take advantage of server components.Learn how to use them with complex state logic.
What will you learn?
With almost 3 hours of video content, by the end of this course, you would've covered the following topics:
Page architecture. Learn how to structure your page's code using both client and server components.
State management. A full overview of what state is and how to work with it using traditional React techniques.
Client components. A review of the usual type of component and the best use cases for them.
Server components. An overview of RSC, how they work, why they're so good and some example use cases.
Page architecture II. An deep-dive into to examples, showing how proper usage of server and client components can improve the performance of your application.
Sharing state. Three different techniques covering how to share state between client and server components.
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Why trust me?
Great question!The answer to it is that I've been doing this for a while now (almost 10 years of content-creation!).During that time, I've:
Published 8 technical books about various topics with editorial houses such as PacktPub, Manning and Apress.
Written over 400+ technical articles on Medium, generating several millions views along the way.
Published several online courses, including one on LinkedIn Learning with over 4.000 students!.
Thank you
Thank you for showing interest in the course!I'll be reaching out as soon as I have it ready!